What is the appeal of Therapy in Nature?

It is spending time outdoors and might involve walking, exploring an area or sitting in one place. It offers an opportunity to reconnect with both the body and the senses whilst enjoying the therapeutic benefits of being outdoors, the fresh air, taking on some gentle exercise, or simply a grounding experience by being the present moment, noticing our surroundings in more depth.  

It can enable the identification of themes that we may otherwise be unaware of, such as change, life cycles, loss and renewal, and research shows it can be incredibly beneficial for those struggling with a range of difficulties for example, bereavement/loss, low mood/depression and anxiety.

Being inside the counselling room can make us feel restricted or reluctant to engage so the freedom of the outdoors can be liberating and help soothe our emotions which is really beneficial to our wellbeing.  We have time to pause, reflect, process and engage in the here and now.

Nature has long been known to have calming effects on the mind. The beauty and serenity of nature create a sense of peace that you usually won’t be able to find in busy urban environments. Thus, spending time in nature is one of the most effective ways to reduce everyday stress and mental fatigue. Being in such a spacious, relaxing environment helps your mind to recharge and put you in a positive mood


How does therapy in nature work? 

Working outdoors might involve walking, exploring an area or sitting in one place.  It’s up to you.

Preferable types of walk will be discussed beforehand.  There will be a variety of walks for all abilities.  If you prefer a gentle stroll and more time to sit, then this can be accommodated too.  We will take things at your own pace.

Once a mutually designated location is agreed. This is risk assessed by the counsellor to ensure suitability and safety for the client.  We will also discuss and agree what types of weather you are comfortable walking in too.

Contact Me Today – I work within Milton Keynes and surrounding areas.

I’m here to help, whatever questions you have however silly or embarrassing you may think they are, they are most likely ones that I’ve heard before so just send me a message.   I’d love to hear from you!   I offer a free consultation either in person or over the phone. 

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The appeal of Therapy in nature

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